OneDrive Troubleshooter for Windows PC

OneDrive Troubleshooter for Windows PC

If you are having trouble using OneDrive on your Windows 8.1 / 7 computer, you should download and use the OneDrive troubleshooter. If you cannot sign in to OneDrive, this message will interest you if you cannot sync files and other such issues while using OneDrive.

How to Set up OneDrive on Windows 10 with an easy way

OneDrive Troubleshooter

OneDrive troubleshooter

OneDrive troubleshooter is a tool that can automatically find and fix these common problems with OneDrive on Windows:

  • Unable to connect to onedrive
  • Files or folders will not be downloaded from your Windows PC to OneDrive
  • OneDrive files or folders are missing on your PC
  • OneDrive does not appear in the left pane of File Explorer
  • OneDrive icon does not appear in the notification area
  • OneDrive synchronization engine process does not appear in Task Manager
  • You get an error You do not have permission to save to this place. Contact the administrator for authorization.

If you experience any of these problems, run the OneDrive troubleshooter. You will need to be an administrator to run it. If you have sync issues in OneDrive for Windows, you can also run this troubleshooter.

OneDrive Related Settings

When you run the troubleshooter, it checks several settings related to OneDrive, including:

  • Are you using a Microsoft account?
  • Is OneDrive disabled?
  • Does the ondrive software need to be updated?
  • Do some Group Policy settings restrict OneDrive?

I suggest you uncheck the Automatically apply box under Advanced so that you can see the problem identified and then solve it.

After running the troubleshooter, you can see the reset OneDrive button. Selecting this will solve most problems. It will not be OneDrive settings, but it will also synchronize all your files again. You can also choose to send diagnostic data to Microsoft. If you need to, you can also save a log file to your desktop, which you can then provide Microsoft support.

You can download the OneDrive Problem from Microsoft. This troubleshooter will not work on Windows 10.